PRWeb released some statistics about the number of people who are getting their news from the web every day. It turns out that 80 million people go online every day to read the news. In addition to that, every single day more than 100 million users are online using search engines to conduct information searches. Google is the number one search engine that people use to look for things and over one half of all journalists online are using Google and Yahoo to publish their content. Both Google and Yahoo rank websites according to certain algorithm specifications. This means that any website needs to have a good SEO ranking in order to show up in the SERPs.
This information is useful for businesses who want to use the internet to their advantage. For example, one of the best ways to spread the news about a business is to do it with an online press release. There are some free press release distribution websites where a business owner can do an online news release about something they want the public to know about something new that is going on concerning their business. An online press lease published on the right press release sites is an invaluable marketing tool. Anytime something news worthy is going on in your business be sure you get an online press release published for it. Professional writers are available online that can write up the press releases for your business.
The value of SEO press releases cannot be understated. However, a search engine optimized press release is even more valuable. The search engines love SEO press releases. It is very important to make sure your press releases are optimized for the search engines. The reason you want to use an optimized online press release is because that is the best way to reach more of your targeted audience. SEO is a major factor in driving new customers to a site. Just be sure the online press releases you use are not used as a shady marketing tactic. You don’t want anything that is too much like spam either.
Professional SEO firm are available that provide press release services for business owners today. SEO firms have a staff of professional writers to write the press release and then the marketing manager makes sure the press releases are distributed among the best news sites and online press release websites today.