Good Traits of a Lawyer – Community Legal Services

If you’re considering being a lawyer, it is worthwhile to learn about the characteristics that lawyers have. In this post we will examine some of the attributes that can be found in lawyers.

The first important trait is if you like to read. Lawyers spend a lot of time reading legal documentation. Trial lawyers are also able to read documents from previous trials in order to gain an advantage. If reading is something you love, you might like to consider looking further into the possibility of becoming a lawyer.

A third quality to find in lawyers is one who likes arguing a point. Lawyers are often able to spend hours debating instances before a judge as well as alongside other legal entities. Lawyers should be able to argue effectively.

Finally, lawyers must feel comfortable speaking in public. Even if you’re an experienced trial lawyer, you are still going to need to communicate with others every day. If you don’t have good public speaking skills you may find it difficult to build the relationships necessary for your career.


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