Porch Pirate Gets Stuck in Snowbank – Entertainment Videos


The United States is blem. In the absence of a their homes, they are able to steal packages from doorsteps. A growing number of people have installed security cameras and security devices to ward off porch pirates. Many people have parcels delivered directly inside their garages. This video depicts a pirate on the porch trying to steal a parcel but failing spectacularly. Then, he might need bail bonds.

The porch pirate tried to steal a package from a gentleman, but the owner of the house didn’t even know he was there. He is scared away by the homeowner who opens his front door to confront the door pirate. As he tries to escape in the dark, the pirate accidentally rears his car in a snow bank nearby. The car becomes stuck, and the porch pirate desperately attempts to free his vehicle. The homeowner contacts the policeand officers are shortly on the road. The homeowner has a sense of humor and asked the thief if he wants an shovel. In order to get rid of the chaos, he’ll need more than just a shovel.


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